Counterfeit Countess

Mentioned in the book are several newspaper and magazine articles. They are referenced here in two ways:

1: Online archives through (they offer a free trial subscription).

2: The original newspapers scanned to my website.

The following links are to the Austin American Statesman’s December article mentioned in the chapter titled “Making Headlines.”

External archive link to the Austin American Statesman Dec 8, 1985

Same article free on my website:  Lost Countess page 1. Lost Countess page 2

Below are a few of the newspaper articles mentioned at the start of the chapter titled “The Aftermath.” 

External links to online archives:

Austin American Statesman April 30th, 1986

The Tennessean May 1, 1986

El Paso Time May 1, 1986

Free articles on my website:

From the Shelbyville Times Gazette and Associated Press, I give you two options.

The first are scans from the papers my mother kept, and they’re a little rough to read. Girl Gives Up Charade page 1 Charade page 2.

But here they are again all cleaned up: Girl Gives Up Charade page 1. Charade page 2.

And also from The Dallas Morning News Web of Deceit

And finally, the Woman’s World article that sent Mittwede into paranoid convulsions in the chapter titled “Passport Services.”  Counterfeit Countess